Early Spring

It's been a crazy and busy winter (if you dare call it that), with spring like weather practically everyday. It has been common for the last month to see day time high temperatures in the high 60's and low 70's, with one day this past week hitting 82! All this being said as I watch snow fall from the sky. I guess that's Ozark weather for ya. With a mostly low water winter, we have had to work a little harder to get the streamer eaters fired up, but have managed to land plenty of trophy trout despite the drought conditions. With the high demand of streamer fishing dates from the months of January through early March, if you are interested in learning the streamer tactics, or just want to try your hand at some of the best brown trout fishing in the world, please get with me soon. These dates are already booking for 2018, and I expect most of the prime dates for next year to already be booked at the end of this month. With that being said, here are a few photos that tell a little about this past winter.


Ryan Turner with a solid fish that crushed his fly after a perfect cast and retrieve. Love it when it happens the right way!

Ryan Turner with a solid fish that crushed his fly after a perfect cast and retrieve. Love it when it happens the right way!

Bill and a beautifully colored up bruiser!

Bill and a beautifully colored up bruiser!

the release.

the release.

Obviously, these are only a few photos from this past year. If you are on Facebook or Instagram, follow North Arkansas Troutfitters for up to date photos and reports for more!


As far as spring fishing goes, the caddis are already starting to work their way up the river in record time, with great numbers of fish, rainbows, browns, cutthroat, and brookies, all included. If you haven't had a chance to get on the calendar for this spring, give me a shout! Several of my fellow guides still have dates available that I would love to get you set up with. 

Here are a few more pics to get you thinking about fishing...


the Buzzman himself with a solid specimen (not the big one, though) haha...

the Buzzman himself with a solid specimen (not the big one, though) haha...

Brock Dixon1 Comment